unit of transfer

英 [ˈjuːnɪt ɒv trænsˈfɜː(r)] 美 [ˈjuːnɪt əv trænsˈfɜːr]

网络  传输单元; 传送单位



  1. With the auction business unit within the company, publicity Planning Division, Finance Department of Archives, the subject of transfer of Services and clients, Bidders, buyer services hall.
  2. For the.300MW electric generating unit at Daba Power Station the division zone model for the simulation of the radiative heat transfer is set up on the basis of network analytic method.
  3. ACCUMULATOR ( NO.2), In a computer, a special storage register associated with the arithmetic logic unit, used for holding the results of a computation or data transfer.
  4. Energy Sector Technical and Administrative Unit Meeting of Heads of Technology Transfer Registries
  5. The monolithic processor automatically detects each working unit of, once the fault point occurs, a communication module is started to transfer the data signal to a central computer.
  6. The calorie is the unit usually used for measuring the amount of energy transfer in biochemistry.
  7. Unit crystal electron energies of charge transfer salts of ( ET) 2FeCl 4 family are calculated using density functional theory ( DFT).
  8. Basic study methods in unit operation of heat transfer
  9. The noise effect is reduced by use of fat zero setting and multi-frame average method. The influence of each test unit on test precision is corrected based on the modification of their own transfer functions.
  10. On the basis of unit analysis of heat transfer and resistance characteristics a mathematical model for optimization of the tube-and-corrugated-fin type radiator with louvers was developed. As an example a radiator optimization calculation was made with the mix-penalty function procedure.
  11. The system is constituted by the monitor and control unit, PC of monitor and control center and data transfer channel, the paper introduced hardware, software and operating interface simply for the three main portion.
  12. The dynamic model of energy transfer between each function unit of photosystem ⅱ was made by improving a four band model. The difference of energy transfer with different light intensity was analyzed.
  13. This paper mainly researched the streaming media transfer unit, introduced the research and implementation of transfer and control unit in the VOD system which has an embedded set-top box type customer.
  14. Unit of transfer in translation
  15. The technique consists of three unit operation processes: ( 1) making Ti components dispersed in various phase of the slag transfer and concentrate in the designed mineral phase-perovskite phase, realizing a "selective concentration";
  16. Fluid coupling has an abroad application by drive unit, in the course of using. It uses liquid kinetic energy to transfer power, improves electromotor start capability, realizes over loading protect.
  17. Presents calculating methods of earth temperature distribution, heat exchange per unit depth of circuit, average heat transfer coefficient, water temperature in inlet and outlet of buried pipes and heat exchange area.
  18. Because inking rollers are the basic unit of inking transfer, how to build the inking roller's simulation model is the key.
  19. The minimum liquid& vapor ratio and the Height of Mass Transfer Unit "HTU" can be obtained in lack of interphase heat transfer coefficient by the model.
  20. Meanwhile two different conceptions thermal exergy and potential exergy are put to use and the influence caused thereby on the optimal unit number of heat transfer is discussed.
  21. As a unit of exchange and office platform, site is an important carrier of network interaction and information transfer has been gradually accepted by the people, additionally, site has play an irreplaceable role in the network information dissemination of enterprises.
  22. Second, the required data is not necessary to be the entire image file, so the transfer which uses the whole scene data as a unit is a waste of transfer capacity.
  23. From the perspective of genetic information processing, a cell constitute a basic independent unit of information processing, which store and transfer genetic information in DNA replication, transcription and RNA translation.
  24. The monolith catalytic reactor whose catalyst support is monolith structure has much higher surface area per unit volume of the bed, which guarantees a good heat transfer throughout the reactor.
  25. The paper analyzes the circulation process of the Combined Absorption Unit in detail, on the basis of which heat calculation and heat transfer calculation are carried out.
  26. The heat and mass transfer process and the process of momentum transfer in the heat transfer unit are influenced by the analysis and calculation of the inlet velocity of the heat transfer unit, the structure form of the diffuser-tower, etc.
  27. Reasonably enhance the area of unit volume of heat transfer so that it can achieve purposes, compact and efficient heat transfer equipment.
  28. The reason is, first, insurance, payment rates are too low, while the premiums are too high; second, a unit of environmental infringement punishment was inadequate for them to transfer such risks.